Customize your art with Pixter Studio! Choose your type of print, material, upload and crop your photos(s), or choose from millions of images in our gallery, apply your desired effects, and we will ship you your finished design lickety-split!


Gloss and Matte

Your image printed on our classic photo paper. Smooth and Stunning results at a fabulously economical price.


Custom Art

Let us Create amazing pieces of custom art for your home or office. With your personal photos there will always be a story to be told behind your art.

Canvas Prints

Stretched, Mirrored, or Framed

Custom canvases are great for any room or office. Create your own today with Pixter Studio to match the decor in your space. Why buy mass-produced products when you can create a one-of-a-kind piece of art?


Framed Canvas

Create an amazing piece of canvas art, with the quality your can trust from Pixter Studio.

Mounted Acrylic Prints

If you want to display your photo just like the world’s leading photo art galleries, a Pixter Acrylic Print is a perfect choice. Acrylic mounting maximizes your photo’s clarity to create a dramatic look that’s both vivid and modern!



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